Dear students:
Last class we read and discussed Educating Girls is a Real Lifesaver and I suggested to see this video:
It is really worth seeing. Enjoy!
We are going to comment on the video next class, so please bring in your laptops if you can.
I want to show you SLIDESHARE where you can find information relevant for your profesional studies.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Group 301 ICG: homework for Tuesday, September the 3rd
To those students who may not be aware we have changed schedule and room:
We are meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 AM and on Fridays from 7 to 8 in my office of the Department of Foreign Languages.
Next Tuesday, you are going to explain a news from
Practice and bring in pictures to make it easier for you to explain and for the others to understand.
Do the exercises from page 8 to 14 of the colored book. You will need the audios 02 to 10B in
Do the exercises from page 7 to 12 in the workbook.
Do Units 1-2 Progress check of pages 14 and 15. You will need the audio 01 from
If you haven't done the previous exercises of Unit 1, please, pretty please, do them!
We are meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 AM and on Fridays from 7 to 8 in my office of the Department of Foreign Languages.
Next Tuesday, you are going to explain a news from
Practice and bring in pictures to make it easier for you to explain and for the others to understand.
Do the exercises from page 8 to 14 of the colored book. You will need the audios 02 to 10B in
Do the exercises from page 7 to 12 in the workbook.
Do Units 1-2 Progress check of pages 14 and 15. You will need the audio 01 from
If you haven't done the previous exercises of Unit 1, please, pretty please, do them!
Group 204 ICL: homework for Monday September the 2nd
Dear students,
On top of the Slideshare homework (see two posts below), finish the Reading of All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury and do the exercises on pages 18 to 21.
Please, remember we will not meet on Monday, September the 9th.
On top of the Slideshare homework (see two posts below), finish the Reading of All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury and do the exercises on pages 18 to 21.
Please, remember we will not meet on Monday, September the 9th.
Group 101 ICG: homework for Monday September 2nd, 2013
Dear students:
You will need to listen to your CD or to the audio material in this link:
In Interchange 4th Edition Intro, listen to audios 01 to 10 corresponding to pages 8 to 12 in your colored book.
In your work book, please do the exercises of Unit 2 (pages 7 to 12)
Pretty please: do Units 1-2 Progress check (pages 14 to 15). The audio is 03
Remember: I will not see you on September 9th but this homework is for Monday September 2nd.
You will need to listen to your CD or to the audio material in this link:
In Interchange 4th Edition Intro, listen to audios 01 to 10 corresponding to pages 8 to 12 in your colored book.
In your work book, please do the exercises of Unit 2 (pages 7 to 12)
Pretty please: do Units 1-2 Progress check (pages 14 to 15). The audio is 03
Remember: I will not see you on September 9th but this homework is for Monday September 2nd.
Dear students:
There is no class on September 9th because I am going to receive a Diploma in CU (Ciudad Universitaria).
There is no class on September 9th because I am going to receive a Diploma in CU (Ciudad Universitaria).
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Grupo 204 ICL Tarea Slideshare
Por favor, realicen la siguiente actividad:
1) Ubiquen un tema de su interés en el que ahora necesiten información. Puede ser el de una de sus materias actuales, para que les sirva en algún trabajo que van a presentar allí.
2) Anoten la palabra o palabras clave en inglés de su tema y añadan SLIDESHARE en la búsqueda que hagan, por ejemplo, en Google.
3) Ubiquen la presentación que sea más relevante para lo que quieren aprender al respecto de su tema.
4) En un documento Word expliquen brevemente por qué están interesados en ese tema y cómo se inserta en lo que ahora están estudiando o trabajando en su servicio social. Allí mismo envíen la URL de la presentación en Slideshare que les interesó.
5) Envíen ese documento con su grupo y nombre a
Deben entregar esta tarea a más tardar el próximo viernes 30 de agosto.
1) Ubiquen un tema de su interés en el que ahora necesiten información. Puede ser el de una de sus materias actuales, para que les sirva en algún trabajo que van a presentar allí.
2) Anoten la palabra o palabras clave en inglés de su tema y añadan SLIDESHARE en la búsqueda que hagan, por ejemplo, en Google.
3) Ubiquen la presentación que sea más relevante para lo que quieren aprender al respecto de su tema.
4) En un documento Word expliquen brevemente por qué están interesados en ese tema y cómo se inserta en lo que ahora están estudiando o trabajando en su servicio social. Allí mismo envíen la URL de la presentación en Slideshare que les interesó.
5) Envíen ese documento con su grupo y nombre a
Deben entregar esta tarea a más tardar el próximo viernes 30 de agosto.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Group 109 ICL: two e-mail addresses missing!
The following students:
Orocio Guriérrez Ithzeé Nicthe Haa
Rodríguez Gálvez Zuriel Esdras
Please, check with me your actual e-mail address. The one I copied is not working.
Orocio Guriérrez Ithzeé Nicthe Haa
Rodríguez Gálvez Zuriel Esdras
Please, check with me your actual e-mail address. The one I copied is not working.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Group 101 ICG Wednesday class in "Informática" from 7-8
Estimados alumnos:
Quisiera saber por qué han subido tan pocas grabaciones que, además, deben venir acompañadas con la transcripción.
La próxima clase del miércoles 21 de agosto será en informática. Es en el mismo edificio donde toman clase normalmente, pero un piso arriba. Suban las escaleras y den vuelta a la derecha. Por favor, lleguen temprano porque solamente una hora podremos estar allí. Luego continuamos en nuestro salón A1L de 8 a 9.
Quisiera saber por qué han subido tan pocas grabaciones que, además, deben venir acompañadas con la transcripción.
La próxima clase del miércoles 21 de agosto será en informática. Es en el mismo edificio donde toman clase normalmente, pero un piso arriba. Suban las escaleras y den vuelta a la derecha. Por favor, lleguen temprano porque solamente una hora podremos estar allí. Luego continuamos en nuestro salón A1L de 8 a 9.
Group 101 ICG Transcription of your recording in PodOmatic
Check the previous announcement for your group and follow the instructions (Vean el anuncio anterior dirigido a su grupo y sigan las instrucciones que les doy allí).
Very few people have uploaded their recordings (muy poca gente ha subido sus grabaciones)
Please, upload yours (por favor, suban la suya)
Suban su grabación a PodOmatic si no lo han hecho ya, y hagan una transcripción de lo que dicen en el espacio que se les proporciona.
Very few people have uploaded their recordings (muy poca gente ha subido sus grabaciones)
Please, upload yours (por favor, suban la suya)
Suban su grabación a PodOmatic si no lo han hecho ya, y hagan una transcripción de lo que dicen en el espacio que se les proporciona.
Friday, August 16, 2013
GROUP 109 ICL HOMEWORK WEEK 2 (August 19 to 23, 2013)
Your textbook:
More Reading Power, by Mikulecky and Jeffries, Longman.
From here, you are going to read and do the exercises of pages 17 to 24.
Borrow (saquen prestado) a book from the Anglo Mexican Institute Library and start reading it! Your next report is due by August 30th.
This is the format of the report of the book:
Book Response Form
You are not supposed to write your replies in English. Spanish is fine.
More Reading Power, by Mikulecky and Jeffries, Longman.
From here, you are going to read and do the exercises of pages 17 to 24.
Borrow (saquen prestado) a book from the Anglo Mexican Institute Library and start reading it! Your next report is due by August 30th.
This is the format of the report of the book:
Book Response Form
Book title:
Publisher: Year published: Number of pages: Genre:
Why did you decide to read this book?
Were you glad that you decided to read it?
What did you like best about this book?
What did you like least?
Would you recommend this book to a friend?
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book
for you? (1=easy, 10=difficult) Why?
Taken from
Mikulecky, B.S. & Jeffries, L. (2007). Reading
Power Advanced, New York: Pearson
& Longman, p. 24
You are not supposed to write your replies in English. Spanish is fine.
GROUP 204 ICL HOMEWORK WEEK 2 (August 19 to 23, 2013)
The first report of the book from the Anglo Library is due by Friday 23rd of August.
This is the format of the report you are going to hand in:
Book Response Form
This is the format of the report you are going to hand in:
Book Response Form
Book title:
Publisher: Year published: Number of pages: Genre:
Why did you decide to read this book?
Were you glad that you decided to read it?
What did you like best about this book?
What did you like least?
Would you recommend this book to a friend?
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book
for you? (1=easy, 10=difficult) Why?
Taken from
Mikulecky, B.S. & Jeffries, L. (2007). Reading
Power Advanced, New York: Pearson
& Longman, p. 24
HOMEWORK FOR WEEK 2 (August 19 to 23, 2013)
Catch up (pónganse al corriente) with Unit 1!
Do the exercises of pages 2 to 7 with the audio of tracks 02A to 09 of Level 2 in
In the Workbook, do the exercises of pages 1 to 6.
Do the interactive exercises of Interchange Arcade 4th Edition Level 2 of Unit 1 in
Borrow (saca prestado) a book from the Instituto Anglo Mexicano library and start Reading it!
Write a passage about your childhood memories. I will help you to polish it in class.
Catch up (pónganse al corriente) with Unit 1!
Do the exercises of pages 2 to 7 with the audio of tracks 02A to 09 of Level 2 in
In the Workbook, do the exercises of pages 1 to 6.
Do the interactive exercises of Interchange Arcade 4th Edition Level 2 of Unit 1 in
Borrow (saca prestado) a book from the Instituto Anglo Mexicano library and start Reading it!
Write a passage about your childhood memories. I will help you to polish it in class.
Group 101 ICG
HOMEWORK FOR WEEK 2 (August 19-23)
Catch up (pónganse al corriente) with the exercises of unit 1, pages 1 to 7 and 1 to 6 in the Workbook
Listening: Unit 2 exercises 01 to 10, and do the exercises on pages 8 to 12
Do the Interactive exercises from Interchange Arcade 4th Edition
Intro Unit 2 "What's this?"
Reading: Vayan al sitio de News in Levels
Elijan por lo menos tres noticias de nivel 0 (LEVEL 0). Escuchen y memoricen el vocabulario básico de las noticias que más les llamaron la atención. Después vean y escuchen esas mismas noticias a nivel 1. Van a comentarlas en clase.
Writing: hagan la transcripción de la grabación que suban a Podomatic.
Catch up (pónganse al corriente) with the exercises of unit 1, pages 1 to 7 and 1 to 6 in the Workbook
Listening: Unit 2 exercises 01 to 10, and do the exercises on pages 8 to 12
Do the Interactive exercises from Interchange Arcade 4th Edition
Intro Unit 2 "What's this?"
Reading: Vayan al sitio de News in Levels
Elijan por lo menos tres noticias de nivel 0 (LEVEL 0). Escuchen y memoricen el vocabulario básico de las noticias que más les llamaron la atención. Después vean y escuchen esas mismas noticias a nivel 1. Van a comentarlas en clase.
Writing: hagan la transcripción de la grabación que suban a Podomatic.
101 ICG Interchange Intro Full Contact (Units 1 to 16)
301 ICG Interchange 2 Full Contact
109 ICL More Reading Power. Longman
204 ICL Advanced Reading Power. Longman
Saquen por favor su membresía como lectores de la biblioteca del Instituto Anglo Mexicano de Cultura, Antonio Caso 127 Col. San Rafael. Aquí están los datos (teléfono, requisitos, etc.)
301 ICG Interchange 2 Full Contact
109 ICL More Reading Power. Longman
204 ICL Advanced Reading Power. Longman
Saquen por favor su membresía como lectores de la biblioteca del Instituto Anglo Mexicano de Cultura, Antonio Caso 127 Col. San Rafael. Aquí están los datos (teléfono, requisitos, etc.)
Group 101 ICG Mitzi and Fernando
Dear students:
Check what is wrong with these addresses, please:
Friday, August 9, 2013
Group 109 ICL Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 3 PM
Test your
English on this site:
Access to Take a tour
of the site.
Check this other site:
Answer the
questions in “Autorregúlate”
Get a
membership card from the Anglo Institute Library (Antonio Caso 127, Col. San
Rafael) by Saturday 17 August 2013. Find information here:
Normal fee
is $150 per year but find out about discounts for UNAM students.
Notice that
membership cards are not available on the same day so make sure to borrow a
book when you get your card.
Group 204 ICL Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 to 3 PM
Access to
Take a tour
of the site.
the diagnose test in
Get a
membership card from the Anglo Institute Library (Antonio Caso 127, Col. San
Rafael) by Saturday 17 August 2013. Find
information here:
Normal fee
is $150 per year but find out about discounts for UNAM students. Notice that
membership cards are not available on the same day so make sure to borrow a
book when you get your card.
Group 301 ICG from Monday to Friday 9-10 AM
Listen to
all the recordings of unit 1 (from 02A to 09) You can download them in an USB.
And do the
exercises in your Interchange 4th edition Level 2, pages 2 to 6.
In the
class blog, upload a recording of a conversation between you and a partner. You
will be talking about each other’s childhood memories.
length: 3 minutes
Our Childhood memoriesYourNames.mp3READING
Read about
Drew Barrymore in
And draw a mind map with the main ideas there.WRITING
Create a free account
in Podomatic
Create a user name
beginning with 301ICGYourName
Follow ehecacihuatl ( That’s me!
Upload a recording
introducing yourself in your Podomatic account. Make sure you are following ehecacihuatl.
Date: by August 16, 13:00 hrs
Format: MP3
length: 1 minute
Title: 301ICGMy
Childhood memoriesYourName.mp3
Group 101 ICG Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 to 9 AM
Listen to
all the recordings of unit 1 (from 01 to 14) You can download them in an USB.
And do the
exercises in your Interchange 4th edition Intro Level, pages 2 to 7.
English with Jennifer, lesson 1
and lesson
Repeat what
you hear.
Take the role of Natasha and speak!READING
Do all the
exercises of Unit 1 of Interchange Arcade 4th edition in
11. Create a free account
in Podomatic
2. Create a user name
beginning with 101ICGYourName
3. Follow ehecacihuatl ( That’s me!
Upload a recording
introducing yourself in your Podomatic account. Make sure you are following ehecacihuatl.
Date: by August 16, 13:00 hrs
Format: MP3
Maximum length: 1 minute
Introducing myself_YourName_Lastname.mp3
Welcome to the 2014-1 semester!
Éste será nuestro medio de comunicación fuera del salón de clase. Aquí verán anuncios sobre lo que tienen que hacer semana por semana.
Deseo sinceramente que disfruten y aprendan mucho.
Éste será nuestro medio de comunicación fuera del salón de clase. Aquí verán anuncios sobre lo que tienen que hacer semana por semana.
Deseo sinceramente que disfruten y aprendan mucho.
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