Friday, August 9, 2013

Group 101 ICG Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 to 9 AM

Listen to all the recordings of unit 1 (from 01 to 14) You can download them in an USB.
And do the exercises in your Interchange 4th edition Intro Level, pages 2 to 7.

Learning English with Jennifer, lesson 1
and lesson 2
Repeat what you hear.
Take the role of Natasha and speak!

Do all the exercises of Unit 1 of Interchange Arcade 4th edition in

11. Create a free account in Podomatic
   2. Create a user name beginning with 101ICGYourName
    3.  Follow ehecacihuatl ( That’s me!

     Upload a recording introducing yourself in your Podomatic account. Make sure you are following ehecacihuatl.
Date:  by August 16, 13:00 hrs
Format: MP3
Maximum length: 1 minute
Title: Introducing myself_YourName_Lastname.mp3

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